Below are some images from the UMass Banquet. My big camera was not available, so these were taken with my point-and-shoot, which was not really up to the job.
Click on any image and Blogger displays a larger view.

The program for the Banquet.

The CAA Championship trophy. UMass won the last ever A10 trophy and the first CAA trophy.

I had not heard Chancellor Cole speak before. He seemed very supportive of UMass football and the the football staff presented him with an autographed football from the team. Coach Brown added that Chancellor Cole took the time to call him after the SIU game. The UMass Football Blog would like to thank him for taking the time to attend the banquet and speaking with us.

Athletic Director John McCutcheon gave a short, but upbeat speech . In addition to the new permanent lights, he said that there were further improvements in the football facilities being planned . He did not say what they were. Still, it's very good to hear that after forty years of neglect, some investment in the football infrastructure is in the works.

When you go 10-3, make the playoffs and win the CAA championship, you get a lot of honors. This image is of the players who made the All-CAA teams and also the national honors. The
UMass athletic site article lists the players who won team honors such as the Outstanding Offensive and Defensive player award.

The players received CAA Championship rings and watches. The watches were nice, but everybody wanted to see the rings. The ring here was modeled by
Rashaude Goodwin, who sat with us at our table. As usual with UMass players, he was a friendly and articulate young man. He's a transfer from Boston College.
All in all a great time. The
UMass Friends of Football were there as was a very good turnout of parents and fans.