OK. I now own UMassfootballblog.com domain.
We'll be hosted by GoDaddy.com for at least a year. I have to pay for the hosting, but I at least get some tech support.
One note, most other hosting sites (including GoDaddy) won't do a direct import from Blogger. That would be wwwwaayyyy too easy. Instead, I have to make a knight's move to another blogging platform and then import from there. If you want to see what the UMass Football Blog looks like in WordPress click here. It will probably take a while to complete the shift.
I honor of the occasion, I had a couple of UMass Football Blog hats made up. I have a black one with maroon letters and I had two with maroon and white (Mrs. Blog likes the Maroon ones).
I will give away one of the hats to UMass Football Blog reader. It's a brand new quality hat. I need to figure out a way decide who gets the hat. Any suggestions are welcome. Send me an e-mail if you have a brainstorm. There is an e-mail link in the "About me' section in the side bar. Some more images of the hat here .
The Hat does not violate any UMass trademarks. The font is standard "Ariel" not the script or block "UMass" trademarked by the athletic dept. And as I said it will be free one one blog reader.