One year ago on May 5, 2005 I posted my first entry on my UMass football Blog.
I started the blog because I loved UMass Football and there never seemed to be much press coverage of the program. I had over thirty years of UMass game programs and press guides. It seemed as if I could find enough material to have a fairly active blog. Figured I'd continue until I ran out of material or it wasn't fun anymore.
Well, that was 526 posts (counting today) ago. According to Sitemeter, the UMass Football fanzone has recorded:
- over 10,000 hits
- over 23,000 page views.
The UMass Football Blog is still one of only 10 or less blogs covering a I-AA football team. It might be one of 5 or less. There is no Delaware Blog. There is no Montana Blog. I find this fairly surprising...
Still having fun covering UMass football. Looks like the UMass Football Blog will be active for a 2nd year. I have tons of UMass historical material I havn't had time to publish yet. Still getting a kick out of blogging.
Go UMass! And thanks dear readers for visiting my blog.