New Hampshire has its game notes for UMass up.
Matty Vautour says the New England rivals-----UMass & UNH---are looking forward to the game at Gillette.
The UMass Daily Collegian previews the UNH game here.
WWLP 22News says UMass prepares for the Wildcats.
Ron Chimelis says playing at Gillette is very cool.
WSHM has its UMass Weekly--Week 8.
Wickedlocal.com has a story on freshman UMass safety Ryan Collins.
35 to 40 fans from Fall River are making the trip to Gillette to see Shane Viveiros play.
UNH expects the biggest traveling crowd in its history for the Gillette game.
The Concord Monitor says the Wildcats are confident.
Craig Haley has the latest edition of his column "In the FCS Huddle" up.
TSN reports that Villanova's Matt Szczur has been invited to play in the Senior Bowl.