Mrs Blog and I will be on vacation for the next ten days. We are leaving for Bird-in-Hand, PA this morning. Mrs. Blog will be in her shop-till-she-drops mode in the heart of Lancaster County.
We do have plans to swing over to the Towson game on Saturday.
Then we will be changing base camp and moving to North Conway NH. The Fryeburg Fair is right across the river.
I will try to keep the Blog going as long as I have intertube access. I managed to brick Mrs. Blog's Asus netbook by running a Linux update that screwed up the boot sequence for both Windows and Ubuntu. So, until I figure out how to fix that, I'll be relying on my ancient laptop. Should the Blog go silent, you'll know I'm having computer problems and I'll be back up as soon as possible.
Hopefully, see everyone tomorrow from Bird-in-Hand.