Wednesday, May 15, 2024

UMass Football News--May15th, 2024

 Mike Traini of "Fight Massachusetts" has a post on UMass' future scheduling ins-and-outs to accommodate its upcoming MAC conference schedule.

From Mike's article:

 "The athletic administration at UMass has laid out a framework for out of conference scheduling that they would like to follow whenever possible: One guarantee game on the road against a P4 opponent, an FCS opponent at home, a game against a peer G5 FBS program and their rivalry game against the University of Connecticut."

The Hampshire Gazette has a short piece on the scheduling changes.


In a shocker, the University of Richmond will leave the CAA and join the Patriot League in 2025. The Spiders have been a member of the A10/CAA since 1997.


CBS Sports says the breakup between the ACC and Clemson and Florida State is inevitable

Those two schools leaving will probably really hurt the ACC's media package. Will the ACC try to poach some Group-of-Five teams? 
