Saturday, November 04, 2023

Game Day--Merrimack November 4th, 2023


The Minutemen are 1-3 against FCS opponents over the last three years. UMass needs to win this game. A win will continue to build momentum for the season and set up the last two games of 2023. Merrimack is a run-first offense. If UMass can contain  RB Tyvon Edmonds, then the Minutemen defense should be able to control the Warriors offense. 

UMass is #87 in total offense in FBS in 2023. The Minutemen need to continue to run and mix in the passing attack. UMass has scored more than 30 points only twice this season. This would be a game the Minutemen should be able to score.

I'll be there cheering for the Minutemen. Go UMass!!


The UMass Midnight Ride Collective has a metaverse themed graphic for today's game here.


Mike Traini of "Fight Massachusetts' has a UMass-Merrimack game preview here.


The Amherst Wire reports UMass attempts its first winning streak since 2018. 


CBS Sport has Minutemen-Warriors game info and how to watch.


The UConn-Tennessee game is available on the SEC Network if your provider offers it.


Liberty-Louisiana Tech is available on the CBS Sports Network at 6:00 pm. 
