The UMass Daily Collegian said Kyle Havens led UMass over Maine.
They also said defensive stops were a key to the victory.
Tyler Holmes was named National Defensive player-of-the-week by College Performance Awards. Kyle Havens was honorable mention QB of the week and Ryan Carter was named kick returner of the week. Whew! UMass writeup here.
Delaware picked up one vote in the AP College football poll.
Delaware Online's Kevin Tresolini says the Hens current eight wins puts them in the playoffs. With one of Delaware's wins a victory over a DII school, the blog is not certain of that.
TSN's Craig Haley feels Delaware's K.C. Keeler is one of the favorites for the Eddie Robinson Award (Top Coach in FCS).
Somethings-got-to-give dept: UMass leads the CAA in total offense 3,614 yards 27 TD's 401.6 yards/game; Delaware is #1 in total defense 2,231 yards 7 TD's 247.9 yards/game. Latest CAA stats here.
BTW, the Hens Andrew Pierce leads the CAA in rushing with 195-1014 5.2 AVE 12 TD 112.7 yards/game. Stopping Pierce will be the UMass defense's top priority.
Keepers College Football rankings have Delaware as #1 and UMass as #14.
He has the Hens by 10.24 over the Minutemen.
The Dunkle Sports Index has the Hens as #2 and UMass as #10.
The College Coaches FCS Poll and TSN's poll won't be out until later today.
Heck, any football fan could have told them that.
Beer lubricated the rise of civilization.