We lose a couple in the recruiting wars:
- QB Brian Hudson verbaled to Liberty. I blogged about him back here .
- OG Keith Bourne verbaled to Boston College . I did a blog post on him here .
Former UMass Captain (1977) Peter McCarty is defensive line coach for the Western Michigan Broncos. I first saw this on the UMass Athletic Dept's "Just a minute' column.

More scans from the 1977 team are in the "UMass Football History" link in the Blog side bar.
This blog post happens to be the 500th post for 2008 and the 2,326th post since the start of the UMass football Blog back on June 5th, 2005. The very first blog post is here .
I'd like to wish all the Blog readers and everone associated with UMass Football a Happy New year. May 2009 bring everyone health, happyness and success ----and a return to the playoffs for the UMass Footbal team :)