The UMass Helmets above are a scan from the 2005 UMass Press Guide. The source of helmets is The Helmet Project. Click on the image to enlarge.
The sequence is missing the 1972 helmet (probably because the Helmet Project does not have a image of that helmet.)
The lesser known Helmet History Site does have an image. That's the one below.

I know for a fact that the players hated the 1972 version.
If I were "building" the perfect UMass helmet, I would go with the "type" 1988 helmet with the current type 2003 black and maroon center stripes.
I would rank the helmet history this way in order of preference.
- Type 1988
- Types 1993 and type 2003
- Type 1970
- Type 1989
- Type 1962 and type 1986 (don't like the "Penn State" look)
- Type 1963